Blogging Like I've Never Blogged Before

Thursday, July 10, 2003

This is funny -- from

"Pittsburgh first baseman Randall Simon was interrogated by the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Department after a strange incident in which he struck a participant in the popular sausage race during Wednesday's game between the Brewers and Pirates."

So this player wacks some fan dressed up as a sausage during a race. Pretty stupid thing to do. His teammate, Reggie Sanders said, "It's very strange -- live and learn. Unfortunately, that's what life is all about."

Yes, Reggie, that is unfortunate, but that is what life is all about. I remember when I was a younger lad and I hit a lady dressed up like an Italian sausage with a baseball bat. I definitely learned from that experience and I know I would never do it again. I was a pretty bratty kid and my mother would always say, "One day you will learn a good lesson about what life is all about." And I'd be like, "Oh yeah? What is it old lady?!" And she'd say, "You just remember this: One day when you are older, perhaps when you are in high school or maybe when you are a Pittsburgh Pirate, you will hit an Italian sausage with a baseball bat, and there will be repurcussions. It is there where you will learn your life lesson."

Live and learn, Randall Simon. Live and learn.
All material © Mike Toole; 2003 - 2006